I am wisdom, eat me and you will feed others, I am truth, drink me and you will thirst no more...
…practise what u preach.......conquer the flesh…
I have seen in this world that the greatest sin a man can commit is leading the same life he convicted others of living and doing the same things he complained others did, with or without realizing it...such a man is a hypocrite.....
But if a man overcomes such an act or behavior, he has conquered the flesh…
I have also seen that a man that is happy at the misfortune of others is nothing different from a man that is jealous of the fortune of others...
I have seen that the greatest love a man can give is showing love to another without expecting anything
in return....such a man has conquered the flesh...
I remember that I am not perfect in all things, but I strive towards perfection, to be like Christ...and I know that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me...
I have also come to realize that true success is you outstanding yourself, by doing better than what you have done.
Basically breaking the record you have set ....your capacity your success...you have your potentials so you measure your success according to your potentials and your personal goals. As one of my mentors taught me, in the person of Myles Monroe he said and I quote "true success is what you have done compared to what you could have done" yeah I said this in the last article…this quote is the real deal,
I read it understood it and applied it, my God did it change my thinking and did it produce results? Yep it did, tremendously, I have since then seen success for what it truly is, even if we have world standards that kinda mislead us.
You cannot judge or gauge your performance by the world’s standards, what is your standard?
I believe it’s higher than the world's cos greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world...
Do not measure your performance with that of others, grow in doing better than what you did before, become your own success and you have become a better you!
Why do I write all this? you might ask, am working to be a better me, I write all this ish and principles so I do not go back and make the same mistakes that history made...u know what they say d fault is history.
Why do you read this? you might ask, to become a better you i'ld answer, we do all the things we do to become better persons on the inside and outside too, and also to get knowledge or insight to things we do not know or things we wanna know, I’ld come back 2 that.
Let's cite a few examples, cynthia goes to the saloon to look good and presentable, she becomes a better person, lawal goes to school to get a degree in medicine, so he can graduate and practice being a good doctor, thereby becoming a better person.
You might ask again why do I use or say better and not best, it's because we become better or worse people everyday, just like knowledge you do not know everything and you have not achieved the highest you can yet, so far as ,you are still living, so we get better or worse daily through our thoughts, acts, decisons, those are the three basic things that covers basically all human activities. So how you use this gifts of freewill is your choice, they can either make or mar you.
Yes I said freewill, you can choose your thoughts, you can choose your actions, and note your thoughts determine your actions, remember "think before you act" it is left in your hands to decide to choose right or wrong thoughts and actions, its your decision! Pleassse don't blow it. Don’t! Am also talking 2 ma self, trust me.
Talking on knowledge, hmm it’s crazy we want to know everything, DON’T! Yes DON’T, for crying or out loud u cannot know everything curiosity kills bro. It does. Listen up and think about this… why did God tell Adam and Eve not to eat the forbidden fruit? Answer, because they would get the knowledge of good and evil, the what the knowledge… if you know too much u get confused, reasoning kills, too much of it. Don’t get me wrong am not saying u shouldn’t think, obviously u got to think and reason, but put ur mind where it should be, u have control over it, choose your THOUGHTS CAREFULLY, full of care aite. Let me leave u wif this, Joyce Meyer in her bestseller Battle field of the mind said “ I must grow to the point where I am satisfied to know the one that knows even if I myself do not know” please think about it will save u a whole lotta trouble, except u like trouble sha, just playing. And also do not engage in discussions and arguments that lead know-where, u dig nowhere know-where? I too know. Trust me most of us do.
Someone once said, “you do not know how strong you are until u are hurt by those you love and those you hold in high esteem” hmm I don’t know why I just wrote that but I think it’s for someone or maybe I just want to write everything in one article. Am giggling now…
Well well let's all take a chance let's keep hope alive, with hope we have that chance to have a firm stance, and to take that glance into the future, for in hope we keep tomorrow alive...
God bless you.
Yours wittingly dRY mARTini chilin in ma Lamborghini..ha-ha
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